Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Snuggling under the blanket

Today is like those days when weather paralyses me .. bunked office work , woke up at the sound of HIM calling me in the afternoon. Had lunch on my bed & returned to snuggling up under my warm blanket .. Temperature is supposed to be negative today ..I wish it snowed a little . How nice would it be to see pure white snowflakes drifting towards green grasses & dressing them up with white gowns !!  That reminds me of something .. As I promised myself , one happy thing each day --here is what I did yesterday & the day before ..

This window in my guest bed room overlooks a boring parking lot  unlike other windows in this house .. I wanted to gift it something nice .. and that hook hanging from the ceiling always temted me ( like any blank wall & any free hook does ).
So I brought these amazing glass orbs from CB2 ( this is a sister store of crate and barrel , this store has pretty cool things with amazingly low prices). Initially I thought of putting some hanging plants in it but that plan did not work . So I brought some seashells from Dollar tree & filled it up . Now I needed some bright colors to add .
A few months back I did some party decoration stuff for a friend's baby welcome party .. I had some colored pine cone from that . Yesterday I added those .. Now it is complete .. bright & beautiful & sooo dreamy !!!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Rainbow in a bottle !!

My first blog post !! It reminds me of the essays we used to write in school. It was easier as we would just mug up a few good Tagore's lines , a few good & difficult-to-pronounce Bengali words  and  one sample essay per topic . But this has to be Hundred-percent-original !! Hmm, fairly hard task it is !!
You must  be thinking ,who has begged you to blog ? Google ? ;) ... Well, I am doing this for myself  ..No expectation of earning dollars or being a famous blogger ( I can't even imagine in my rarest dream) .
 This is why I decided to write.

Today was Friday . Unlike other Fridays (Usually I feel very energetic on Fridays about doing office work so that no work  or tension is left for the weekend , the latter  rarely happens though ), I was not in a mood to work. A few replies to utterly irritating & boring  work emails was enough stress to brain already.

I wanted to feel happy  as it is my birthday  and a little more special because  I am turning Thirty :) So I started my usual  Pinterest browsing ,watching soaps online & logging & checking my Facebook account every five minutes to see who has wished me so far .. (Narcissist me!! ) !!

Facebook then reminded me of this great blog I found the other day. Reading her's was a delight !! I used to be a voracious reader in past but unfortunately I lost that habit in last few years . Reading more than  ten pages of a book (however interesting it might be)  was  difficult for me . But today was different. Rather ,her blog was. She defined happiness , in such lucid words !! Happiness --- what I have been craving for !! what I have been trying to find in my almost perfect but apparently sad life !! This was it..

I read each of her posts, laughed with her,cried with her !!! I realized, happiness is all around me ,like plenty of sad thoughts I have. I just need to pick them up & feel good !!

So I decided to do something everyday(however trivial it is ) that makes me feel good !! & I decided to start writing !! writing about all little good things that happen around me, everyday!! I might not be good at it but I am sure I will never fall short of emotions to express !!

Happy Birthday & Happy blogging to me !! :) CHEERS !!

P.S. I did not find any good heading for it . So it ended up being a "to do " for an (in)definitely long period (like my code snippets at work ;)).

and P.S.2. : The UI looks ugly & I do not have enough designer expertise to pretty it up. But I will keep trying..

PS3 I want to pa myself on the back for the blog address . Initially I wanted it to be lifebeginsatthirty@blogspot.com but that was taken. (so one pat on his/her back too) ..This one is wayyyyy cooler !! isn't it?

PS4. I am tired of correcting all the typos. Please ignore if you found one . It was unintentional ( read :I got pretty good score in grammars & spelling)